San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)

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San Francisco Chroniclei

San Francisco, California

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CCtrXTKT HEAL ESTATE Contd IT ENGLISH OKNTLXXAS LEAVING A Dm Ha wm Mil property tttrKri tot cud of gvesl mortgsgi nii i ut iVrsnty a8 Ma low Zere II 80 pef eerei stork crop U4 impi siaiioBjMOOi It aud 14 ecrenirsen Jon part inub CiW per acre Moaterey cooaly 840 tcffdlW VotUritf wheat 31 pet asm sv solruiToved 18 par acrei ilrtri stab HrtilnJtWXiMtt MlllsUt40vvlio4 ou tuu lsirm rod mines la lbl da eta rem a oa montage any tbesei rarMreier a application Address A Ja sleyMlosa pa araanitCQS AFTER i SAN MIA3JTCISCO CHBOmOLF WEDNESDAY APRIL 23 1890 ALAMEDA S2600 25 arc SiJiJLrf Broadway eieoi bw asAaViffcn bk 0 000 E5 iMriUtVKD AND boMl0 rooms M7Sx8U MiaMMi be told IBuOU HotiU fwMtnKii tsuuu 3 ZZ TTi IT 3 syvww po ventral a roBnla ihrauxu 10 AlamaAa ik total jHPBm coup ty by nit and eoatalt I oa Cnmi eve uwo iiiwa ii nm apdii inert jlJV iah3 evsitei cuO rr pwMh ijwjmmfcfa a ffl HOOHS TO LCT fifth pop markkt bayavin dew suit 3VU trngl 88 812 transient tqKVEnerrcoa thibd cor bay wiwwTnifHiinBfTiwnii 7 iCAfcosT seaTHbabket ron I EOttttkraplBf or boata QMAMUt stCNHi FROST KWK TO boomst to let continued HOTKL BRUNSWICK Uv gUCTH ElegeBt aoaar tttlw lit to 30 motuaj v4WiHM fVIfHBHk TTAHco*ck HOUSE Ill KlMIOi rK ma wm wHauawgu sec samtii aa traaitaal travelerst wlta 4 Hacto raoou trvaatfatatiaatJIl 10 pot alaki KMa aaa tottftiMtrtM ar pur tb awiik BntrSKN TO tXT tOPOtOHOCK TOR BALK PalB OpiTtaitltl Citlnaail fronts r1ftBth tutlnf virtt I iwwi ui i ova jnoaiDtntfy BAROAIK HTATtOXEIir AND VAR1 01 t5fi fctt aa4 8tort wttbta 1 a oca ei uroo toiwco ivo aifaoia tb Iw rwni bath anj siodora tm itt7aiSl VJ wlfa ruItao lattr oatoo 11 i rai i food aisooot KXCUANUK tlM ITUU HAUt TIf BKHT lna 4a Uo rumi rttr Ooilood Alomado propony waau4 lur xxloouokry IUtiM Vkt WltL UOOD bowj sckj kero of unii la Andorra T0r Ioua nu part cU or eiefaaaro UcoliaHtt fitAiK COUJha JU Atarkou XXlrt HABOA1S1 IS FARMS SKAll XUili elif Itno or mal alaUw esora CU 0 lHAUfcaaMootgait7 T0 BALE OK KXCH ANQS FOBBTOCK ol ptrchzodUo ilacor co mtr flruit nuehv loO aero tt 4lrKe prloa par Pascal XMJU 8A1E OB EXCHASOK TOR UK Aratrrala ettjr proport wbrat raocb of lf BCIVarBIMiaAea Vrfll laa ooonty nar HAYWAKDS IK TOU WAST TBtJY a Uoeao aot tot good firsts orchard lav proTed or oolmproved prsparty of tar klad fctorBtsr llajwuds audrcst kLOiMli PitOWah Uarwarda Cat 1AkE C0UNTY BARGADC8 IS EEAL I tstata nd for Oirealua to OHT Af KiAl Ulddlotowa LAJtK COUSTY REAL ESTATE SOLD fOSTEii AalM7TtU4 14ka cooaty Cat Ctoremmeat load a jrpoclaisr LAtiOi iix HACH 33 000 aeras In ranta Haniara conntr a peraent land In Ion to auit IK mtlea from capital Sacramento I4U0 per acre aptoadtd ranen 331 acre near dy ton Conm Lota coimj Soacr rmafrora U10 rn old rood irnvroToaionM plrctr of wood and vatar asijajft tali at lie anttar tt room 28 LAKH CODNTY TUB 8AS1TAR1PX of California stsd for list of taada to CUBAWAU YOUKU KelseyTUla rayLo rAaK oixt edqed bub il arban honjttJo only 20 acraa bo bad adjoining Mra a tielbr and Mrs Atnertoo a new ana beautiful naidaoco of 12 roowa and fcath electric oena apeattng tube aad a I modern Improremeou Una fcarnandoutboaae water piped all oiertba ylaco covered with Bna oaK trtei only a Jw minutes from air oalca and Memo Park UtlOo BLilMIAil A MA toll 21U JiOnt Its UB fJD JJKtXRJv J1AY 1ST tmts vvuair bqmti at Brm Bprnr ecataJoa rooma all fornlibed watar piped tonoteiaodtiam CARNALC rfreHCail aunuj uu eza Aarxet at IX MIES PROJf OAKIUtSD SEAS rwmnu oi aczes or uss eoltaa ftrns email orchrd and rrewaer FRE9JOAVl ELDORALO LANDCahom*ontgomTy at SMALL bDBDIVlSlO 8 ON EASY ttallmenu ttocJc ranches train ranches redwood and angarplne Umber lands all entases property tor aaia oy vALaiVxUflA LAaJj AbBiMAtloy 63t Market St JnttnUld lot lOiltO Try tra bva butlooi boat barrala town If ALCOMI Mentromery it ellrT AUXKBa BAHOALKa K2mUt M10 wkb oottata rooma Wooka not itatlon itraet aawarad and trio aHamltedi eemeot tldewatka etc IS3SI 00 LatJl0xI 10 cot is bioomawlnd mitt and taaka fAW taah per month 12760 Lot MU7j new modern SoMalfai InVl la Woc fw atatlom 00 cab balance 3U per roomh fkl Sou Lot i3n2 andbaiiTon leatxalaTe fsoo balaoce 30 per month tSOOO Iiil 9711 i rooma and tath at etaUon ftiOO cash baf 37u i 60x103 Bna new cottage 8 rooma nd twtb a blocc from atatloo ai Jtreet work done Ana bargain 6O0caa Itu per monjh fULP UOO Lot 60x128 naaew modern 3 wry booae 7 rooms and bath on Central Tl2SJlrtBibafa 13 aonoo Lot 80x150 aunny conert near station tory house 8 rooma and batu Una gronndt cheap and favorable term a S3 17800 tot SuxlSUi elegant new atory bonne 10 rooms with itabtet well located partcaah 4oi Honse bunt to suit per Seat dojra balance eay lnnallmeoia cbeap lota in all parte of Alameda bouses to it and money to loan ILJ SIORAAL A CO 1428 Fark at aS asay tvuivunj itV LAMEDA COTx AOh7 HOOM3 RATH Aon Begent marine Tlew 30 Call AtAMB0A HOins BOJt 8J100 TO 18000j rou and blocks In all parfa of iHAKVrmora1I3rbargarna JODD tsH oepxlt atorCABSALL Wra HLQH H0PJUX3 5 82 Market t6aa Franoaoa TIBsT CLAfca BOARD AJJDCHIRFCI Wasmr bad by people without children In prettiest part of Alameda by ad dreaslng box iOfl tbia offlctv HOCfcES BUILT TO OBDSR IS AI A medaorSaaFranolaco email cash pay men land easy Installinenta It DAUUi 433 Montgomery at Loans and real estate LOOJCATTHIS rUELY JUKUISHED house 7 rootna aad bath apod location always rented at a0 per month and Inanrad or 43090 lot 705x150 beaatUoJ grounds Mice 84000 half cash balance monthly la stalUenu If desired lABBASI CXJ 33 New ootgomeryat THICKLY FDR3fl8HKD TJPPBB iXAT JFALOfllEB A CO 18 MoaUomery aw mo LET SEW COTTAGB OP FIVE a rooms oain etc Banta Clara ava near Becond ave ratn DAMON 436 atontgy OaKLUu S5001 SED JtY NSW CATALOGUE OF city and conntrr Drooenr Jbr aala and exchange FUAK C0LLISS 030 afarket OONOHA COUATY 150 000 AN IDEAL i uume man a property tnat wm pay xu per cent onloe price asked 60O acres 6S acre in hhhi varieties er grapes 22 acses In floe bops One ashing and boating noose in flae npau ennnBew te rooms conservatory winery barn tc best of reasons for Wns and has got to he sold at one CAIUtALL iiitinun nurauis uu Oil Market su esalrancisco SCIIOOLLAM13 150TO3AN ALRK on very easy terms sold by the State In tracts to suit no residence or Improvement renulred ait kinds of lands In manr differ counties send stamp for list open Monday LAKh1 UEHAVK F0K SALE VERY CHOICE I Itncrore 1 and bUhltf cultivated slacea In eacramemo Sonoma gjanra tara can ilent So Monterey Tehama aad other connties at Very reasonable prices correspondence solicited and prompt answers made persons eoniemplatrns Investing In ceoatry properties si I tt find Juts a eeaoa or bargains and sbonld Investlfaie at once CALIFORNIA LAND ASSOCIATION 6M Market su SC31MEK RESORTS XTNA HOT VINKKALSPR1NU4 THE UTJ Aoitrciu bins waters onequaled on the 1aCHc coait rlta fur circular to L1VELL Aapa county CaL Smiles from doverdale boms cookmz fine unves nesr Russian river Addresa box 69 Uoverdale Cal Cazadeko MoA qunty A terminus popular resort aceoery drives walks redwood forest ram hies trout nsldng huotlng etc cottages aud del ghtful climate send for circulars a iUiiNaxCU TTUFOR BLUt LAKES LAKK COUN XL ty 111 open May 1st Vae lakes afford excellent sport for angling bathing boating et no mc4Qttotts buy through tickets Bloe LaWes via tie i lor further particulars address the proprietor WblaMAN Bertha Lake county Cat LAUJUvL OLKN EHTJIT summer board Address NapaaV the mountalaalde 8 miles of Nana uty climate ouliorm aad agreeable natural miuerai water natural scenery uusurpasseuj btt Napa soda water baths Address JACK fcUN WOOaTLR Naj aaoda aprlngs PO PKIVATE B0ARDISO AT SANTA Crur good table hIUi home comforta MRSMV RAKNETTSOOlaclnehva FAUAISO HOT SPRiNOS MONTEREY cs FOhlES propr unequal ed for beadng and Inrigorattng cniailuea spedae fur rheumatism malaria kidney and liver disorders ate is 1 cars Id and Townsend its 8 So a JC arrive at springs 3 3tr Take Oakland cars vta San Jose 8 04 A it OSSVALliA SAN BAYAEL TOLET wlllilit A fnlautes walk of Roas station honse ol rooma and bathroom two horse staMe and acres ot tana noose neatly new on elevate sltei fine view Apply at room SO Hailck block 3J0 Sansome aw SARATUUA HPRIMJSt Wis MILE north ofXakepirt Lake ountr tal and Jlmlleaeaslordklab Cat Tuehealina powerof these waters Is something wonderful a a blood purtser they cannot be surpassed as a soolc they are pleasait and satisfy ins desire for ardent spirits They cure rheumatism dyspepsia a urMalaarysipetav coat lntermtneot fever catarrh sore eyes kidney and liver troubles scrofulous diseases and lu tact Impurities of blood what so erer kind 1 here are sulphur sods Iron and magnesia sprtcga Hoots from San Eran cisoataka Ban raaclacs and Korthem pa tmo Kalraad to rktah taencer sur via Bin Lake to springs Dallystsjre to and from I klah Connor proprietor Accom zaodatloQa ample as a new and commodious boteihaijUiltesnconipeted and iumtsbest Camplsn or cotiages for those who wish either OoodftshlngandbnaUng In the vicinityvicinity iA commodious ball for daaclnx baa Just been completed For tort er InlormaJon address the proprietor WRIGHT Lacbeior Lake County CaL SANTA BUZ POPS HOUSE AND COT uges lb most desjauie family seaside resort aod only absolutely first class hotel with cortaie la Santa Crux 0 MACARTNEY Propretor SEA BEACH THE ONLY BTR1CTLY nrst caas betel la Santa Crax finest marine view In America the new aiaex Just csmpletedcontaliu 87 sleeping rooms ele gautparlors billiard and dub room luoan oeceat lights eieculo bells hot and cold wa er In every room 2 minutes walk from bathhouse railroad station and steamship laadlcg JTb LLlYAN Proprietor I Mountains a BROWN Uieawooi THE HOTEL GAZETTE XNTAXNS a list of best resorts aad hotels on lb toast their terms and bow to at there Office 430 Kearny at WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS BTHEL enaapaTailey Elnest summer resort ra the Slate telephone connection with Baa Frsnxtsco separate couages for famine 1 desired rales 3 to per day FINANCIAL Q7n0 nnn iawest vot bates 3 I OUUWU astreoantry realeatata any sum A BCaLLLEit 4W California OO flS1 Afin TO LOAN ON MOR3V CusAUUUUlgs on ranches large i Itaoautt bsdosr market rats Unif A AlMHal 508 Calbra a st 3 PARSOS GOLDEN GATE 1 tract Oakland lota belnw vaina BOEOLh OO 233 Montgomery at ir tt a aiuiiu to SUV miast a finely improved location convenient to trains aAnnola phnnt afi KmaM a BREED A CO 233 Montgomery A 1 1 79 eighth 8T Oakland fob 11 I jlA ranf niHrv fnHlA aw aaofcfcA AtAAHiasAlsTU AAUUIj fJACiUE fvr lor2 2 mlaote from staUoa best lo VsAlt ACtVO IaVxVOfVOie RABE CHANCi5 3sEATriTlrROOlAl in av ISWIlt lUk VVaIUUb Applyto KL1NKNER A CO 320 Sansoma A BT1STIC COTTAOE AND PICTCR ry eeque home planned and ult in Oakland Alameda and Berkeley on the installment plan 150 per room and upward MATtHfeua builder 4d Montgomery tt room 24 a For 14 tlftb St Oakland FOB SALE OB KXCllAJraB OSI OP the best pieces of property In Oakland centrally located has a rrontage of 100 feec on Seventh by 11 feet on Chester has stores ceiuw sooging bonis and halt above month to steady and good tenants or will exchange It for desirable country property will be old at a bargain for cash Also lor sale or xehange a 2 story irame building in Oakland with 5 sores below and 1 dging honse above lot 100x60 renting for 8170 per month will exchange for desirable country property In Alameda Santa Clara or Santa Cms counties Apply tOrEAiWIM ALolP CO the oldest and leading real estate agency In Central California office 1015 i ounh SL Sacramento PARTIES DESIRING TO PURCHASE Sue improved property on Fraitvale ava for homes from I to 30 acres or 10 acres aula choicest fruits an flowers with coed house of 1Q rooms would do well to address or call on A HKEVDEMUUL Upper Fruit vale East Oakland OAKLAND EOOMSt AND BOARD 1 flftR BROADWAY COB TWELFTH 1UUO Dear terminus of narrownage tall way tDesiraela rooms for otllces or private use In suits or single term reasonable ADVERTIsem*nTS AN1 8UBSCRIP tlons received at the CHmosricxat Branch Office 007 Broadway west aide between Eighth and Nlsta at Hi iet to a Keaueuiat siwuui uuaru isi erence required Oil Magnolia at Oakland two blocks from Adloe si staUon ava and Twenty fourth St Is a beautiful sumjnerand winter resort baa a number of elegant cottages large playground and la first las In every sppolntment RAKKELxCY tUv easy payments send for maps CUA A BAILEY owner 824 Market sW Arnnfl HOCbE Of EIGHT ROOMS pOUUUs bath cement basem*nt walls and floor gas automatic lighting electric bells cement waiks MAaON 428 Cats CjCCftn NrW TWO6TORT AND plLfvU tower 9 rooms laundry bath gaa electric belts stone sidewalks atreet maL adamlxesf and aesferedi cos TJmvermltjr ava aad mhertnaa st extension of Orove ekr nesr University and atatlon Inquire at Berkeley Plan ag MUiA GEORGE PASSE FOR BILE IN BERK ELK A VERY desirable prsoeonHsstest nearsnatiuck ave eroomcotue nearly nw bean lful flower tardea of choice plants large basem*nt lot eH feet front Call on Stewart Trowbridge near Dwlght way station for directions to premises MRS LULL JICS1CAL lN STKlMKNTet Rower music store 23 filth St ertna Opera Knabe Emerson etctbe lor yen bay inspect the steel inning device lnourAoUselL Market 4t7thLOOrFUaU Market sU piano very cheap AGENtTY MJUMElt JtALITT at COM stoa Nswbr A Evans Haaos and Pack ardorgans RON MACilfs 30 Posts Colby and Opera pianos 723 Market st Hutory building 2d door HAtXET A DAVIS AND KIMBALL PlaaoAgy VVtlAAtXjtlRTaS Market plana Factory 17 Mission stjpp Mint be told from newwOl so ofr leas than half Its coat Men way A on makers BAIXiiR 729 Market OiiE BABY GRAND PIANO CASS AND ton perfect sold to pay aJvsnces bteja way Sena makers BADGERa fH Market at STECaHABCMANSaCHICERINa oserfctrUng and Schwechten plaaea sold on tlOmonthly sstallnMnta BJUV CUB TAX BOS aoie age naiOrarrelll STKTNWAiVKBASTCHAtBAOX OAB ler Rosnlaob pianos Packard organ aheet music baud iosumta Gray Co 200 rest Steiswatsl and scHUBSEra tt mOBanprlghtplancsyAgancylOtWMarkef 7X7rAYSFBENCBI CPRIGBT IS PEB fectnrder a bargala 1222 Market at flXK NEW CABINET ORGAN sold to doe to voice cheap at 1 100 BADGER 723 Ataxkst st JEOalory bulldlofgroocjr S50 a miEfj OSBNEW GUILD CHURCH OAOVs Co 7f ocuTa piana 11AIK3EB 725 Market st nitn ONE LARGS GRAND UPRIGHT 1 iU slano OUmaa A Co maters lTEALGEfi 72i Market at lll estriBnisirebl la perfect or I titri Terr nttie ues i PHTSICIAS5 rlBA aVJiat HuAM fctN ttfllV ftrVBUhatal talttVf k4 van As bay wlbdow toon aiio sJatl rwni pnvat 1 tw iWVr im atesiiiV ikaase amrea Au box tbi one East Barteisyt JAmlnnte from Fran eiaoo ituiK Sake i coast uirs ill Market UK aad wbWk reason VzitXi Vi IV MivfLft iwti sw vw fn wvnsinjHflWHS a IM9 Aourrss Bavua MX iiav uisotne farutlyi necbildrva tiKAUY TWO KWLY ifUUNlaflltD rooms for hooKkeeplan every eoavf ltf UWkLL UUNUlil HAND1 ovviy sus vita naatls loraHbed tunny rooms sissl er ea suite iransieotf elevator nuiied sons single rooma I JO spa ard I etsbed rooms rate closet and bath 4K XWELTTH SUSNY FROST ROOM sunny front room famished rooma gentlemen transient 113 113 1185 1 ELLISVICTORTA HASDSIMELY furnished sunny suits transient room boosekeeplnr first floor suits and single 810 823 830 1 0 TURK ONE LARGE ON SMALL i i if room snnny few boarder Dished front bsy wtadow suits DO MCALLISTER OPPOSITE HEW JsjO Cttv Halurnraiabed lawer floor for honsekeeplngr also alcove room and single room in SEVENTH fGIRABD HOUSE atju Single suks ana houseaeeping rooms I ny furnished suit and single fX A POWELL HANDSOME BAYVWET iax dow aunny ami sjo otnar rooms nartnrs snltsble for Ilaht noneekeen lsg also nro runn jTlunt rooms la a quiet respeciablf Jrous aunny parlors and other rooms alshed rooms a sunny quiet house OQO OAK TWO SUNNY FURNISHED Zo housekeeping rooms large bay window use of bath no children 0it BUSH ROOMS BY DAY WEEK ZO or month transient MAJOR COON I rooms bona quiet and first clasa 1 lurnlahed rooms housekeeping I room for gentlemen ult and single J2 nlshed sunny rooms sulta or single I four furnished rooms housekeeping nlshed rooms housekeeping TURK PARLOR FLOOR THI I rooms furnished housekeeping 3361 413 i 1 SBsay room ret beard optional 1 OTARBELL FOUR PARLOR I floor rooms 2 housekeeping rooms 1 ed snnny alcove and other rooma A QQ LABKISTsEAR TURK A PLEA3 jtOO aut annoy newly furnished suit In a private utmlly ternu modern Also large square room soluble for 2 gentlemen 810 ntsLed rooms for light bourexeeplng ELUS TWO ELEOANT CORNER room suitable for physician or dens tlsf arpted 436 i 437 i alto rooma with stoves room with housekeeping i room for storage SIXTH ONE 526 RfO TBRK LARGE SUNNY SUIT OiO nicely furnished for housekeeping good chance for man and wife gas water free must buy furniture rent 16 568 MISSION NICE SUNNY FRONT rooms 81 per week opwsrd 601 617 i 6201 POST COR JONE8 BLNNY rooms wRn or without board refer ences cbanged 700 7041 707 furnished bay ivlndow suit path gas lag two persons lop floor 713 rooms also large room xooma as low rates caa and water in each room reading rooms and baths free imen cbangea uauyt nouse cpen au tugnt I rice of room per cay from 50 cent up a ard per week from 81 0 npwaJrt Furnished rooma for housekeeping 798 i real M0 also alogi room inu ftoDt roonwltlii8 luteLcaSs 810 POWELL ftMALL SUNNY FTJB 1 nlshed room 8 1 rooms kitchen houseketp ag 816 Qll MARKET OPIOsITBTHE BALD tA wis Newlr aad ncely fitted id ISTfr pleasant nicely furnished sunny rcoma tornaaario wiie 0 anrurnia ea rooms ror boaseseeplnic without children a good ault fordoctor or dentist 8 Urge ate room on 1st Unor tor offices 86i nlshed rooms gentlemen only SUTTER LARGE BUNNY AL eove ard otaer room suitable for lisht housekeeping no children 908 alshed rooms use of bath and kitchen 954 BUSH TABLE BOAB1A 1010 FOST SCNNY ALCOVE BUIX 1010 CLAY SHVNY FRONT rUR aUhed alcove room aultabl for two ga and grate 1010 1103 iblsbeda Van ness avf near geary tX sunny suit of room rooms with board lf1Q FOLSOM UN FURNISHED XyXO saacy alcoresoit bath 1636 17171 aahed sunny fron tend single rooms TTRK FURNISHED FOR bonukeeclr In private residence A handsome bay window fiat fronting on 3 street of 4 rooma kitchen and bath 3 beds must be sees tob appreciated Apply from 11 to 7 McAllister car waowit OOil7 BROADWAY CBN I JdQJ I houaekeeptng rooms marine view AXtLTNOTON HOUSE KEARNY Pteaiant tanay room ea tulte aad ata glt arst nar every i caj iaewuaiss COME AND LOOK AT THE ELEOANT sonny rooms at 2329 Clay stcor Webster TiEYON 1110 MARKET S3 TURK fJ eonay aiu 118 trp single 810 op ELAOANT BAY WINDO PARLOR suttaMe for xantleman Addi FA IaJK box 121 tW otccfc rooaM evod furnltor 1 rooms vet ysond boarilaf rooms oetttfal kkndsom 1 tonmt gssid piaia furniture 0 ranmt aoa brtter fee rrloe TJETQ ilOLKWl KACrtAMKNTr re ltiumtolprweii open a 1 alsht fPO OENTllmm JfXTRA JLKAMT B18TJ4Twoa4 rtBM r0m TWO OH THREE UNFURNlHREa bouskerlazroomi sunnyi private fans Aodr M0MW box Wl fTREMOST HOUSE 833 XKAltNT A Newly famished sunny rooms special itwiiwisi ur Bioatairanaiataiv9a iKMscl hbrv atrial 1 numa ABA tstk Mb Ursa cafdea Apply la A BkCAKK 834 Kearay sidai asedara II slarv bayMstadase haute of 10 rooms balk finished basamentt Urgegardeai rent 858 water tree ailUU aud batbt raai nt 80 Ti rpBE BURLINGTON 805 MARKET aormeny part or tne urano uotal new elegantly furnished rooma ea suite stasia BOARDING AND BOOHS OO MCALLISTER StXjrNV TTt nfr AU rait single room first class board ref OAl JONEfJ 8LNNY BAY WINDOW OVfA rooms with board reference OAO EDDY 8 0 FT RNISHED QUO rooms wRh board terms reasonable nlshed navwmsnse annnv nle lf US mIuShm Iv vmw WM siMucut esjaru Ol GOLDEN GATE AVE N1CE BCN ay suit of rooms with board ref 427 EDDYt SUNNY AND FRONT ro ma excellent board 855 and 80 AOCt ELLIS ELEGANT FURNISHED iOU room for two 885 517 i KOK HARRIbON RINCON HILL A Jij fine prtval residence sua ay rooms real home comforts board opttooai reC ftMROLSOlt LATHOM BorSE Saany ro iarswlth board large garden CI STOCKTON OPP GRACE CHURCH vio PrtTato boarding house 719LEI8 FURNISHED 3LNNY I room with bjard 74R PINE PLbASANT ROOMS WITH xoeilent board 320 325 dd month ftl ft CALIFORN1A PLEA84T BUN UlUny salt and alnee ht and mM QOI SUTTER TWO PLEASANT CCTI rooms with first elasa boarA Onp SUTTER HANDSOMELY FUR vvty alshed surmyroomsr Ann tablet re i oir post two slnToqmsi AlOI tnperlor Ubl 111 VANNESSAVE COVMODIOPS AAAUwell furajhed conhectinr front Snnny salt with boaid 4nQv NESS 8PNSY FRONT AttUt7 alcove board private family refiw room board private family raja front suit single rooms board reft rooms board MRS GRIMM 1 K1A CAUFORNIA HANDSOME AL A tt cove single rooms goals 37 39 AMFRICAN EXCHANOK HOTEL SlSt Pranctoco rates 1181 2531 50 per day free coach Wit MANTGOMERYPTOMtVior BOARD FOR GENTLEif IN AMCR lean family snnny room central location li box 27 this office BEAUT FULLY FURNISHED ALCOVE first class boarJ for 3 355 referencea Acdress box 4thU office pAIRMOUNTV JtNCTlON MARKET aad fell handsomely furnished every modern convenience elevator table best In city without exception special rates fortso tlemen or families without children tel 227 and 269 Gecond at Board and tooiaper day 75c and 1 perweek 4 to 85 single meals Us rooms per mght 25c and 40a tree coach to ana iron the hotel STRICTLY FIR8T CrASS BOARD ELE giutly furnished Brors nrlvata real dciee owner occupant references 593 Ellis SU1SNY ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN IN otrictlT crlvate farallv can board If wlIU ing to pay for a good abe 5 minutes walk CLr oleaant snnnv rooms with board for two Sl6 upward single leims with board 320 upward table beard 8 meals 85 per week 2 meals 83 75 boma cooking catered by an American lady THE WHITIER CORNER SOITtSrN all dan also sine la rooma board first case 640 boldea Gate ava THE BELLE VUE 319 ELLIS ST Changed bands thoroughly renovated dining rocm under expei leaced management will be run first class rooms or board sepa rate uesirea i wuu su mjmt ssi ym jiRS AEe LLs THE VEK DOME 735 PINE CHANGED hands newlr aud beautlfuDr furnished snnny rooms board MRS A CHURCH THE ORIEL SELECT FAMILY HOTEL combines alt the conveniences and anb stautlal comforts of home wltbont exorbitant charges Mr aad Mrs SAN DFORIX ADU CATION AL A SPANISH FRESCHGERHAN ITA Ran thoroughly ramdly taught at Mela tertchatt School of Languages 14OMarrelL McAllister St oDDoslin new cltv HaiL teacher of piano hiring elocution voice cmture gesture Popaa prepared for parlor drama opera and concert itage S20Poststetabdl87L Profile 1 iaDoe graduate of the academies of Parle andMadxid contlaoes to Instruct lg Spanish and French 423 0Tarreilit voice slammerlnBL sthttenna and an impediments to speech eorreote PROF A HITjlHORST nrtiuiisal Alhtttf Unt1 1250 Broadway OakiaaaVt al A VOICE CULTURE ELOCUTION ALL branches LEO COOPER 814 Geary guages ilood building eaa Fraartaoo 1X3C0LAS Murphy building room 10L Si cor Clay Standard system Rooka etc free HEALD3 BUSINESS COLTiOE more than 200 former pupus now holding positions la dty practicai aad thorouga instruction rapidly learnt aystenx send for airculax WANTED LESSONS IN ENGLISH br a ouallned tea her 3 evcnlnas a week tor a German nnuemaa Addrasa CU box c2 this offlc HORSES AND WAGONS rived most be sold a oneet lo fine mar and colts INTERNATIONAL MORSE MARKET Twelfth and la arrisoa its TfOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BROWN CAB IRSMWISWIimH11VINtMUyfaj single or double also two aeated canopy top surrey two acta light double harnees aad on singi musioesjw pany leaving tne city Excelsior stable 823 batter rooma haadsofnela fnrnlahedt aorth Ida of alifbrala st aad wast of gUlmore Fo panlculara address PENNELL a Box 873 mo LLT FCRS18HID HOUKr EIGHT a rvuiua snri Dasu piauaf cumpiirie iur aowsa aeeptng nn ttroaaway near tnugq St iuod I tfOHSAUl CUkAP A COMPLETE oou kDa7l be lJ Imroadlalsly niii I JW1 noaiiB er propnewt ava rvMlLKboi43lblBaca rssuns eeatraL aaraata lToo TluafLAaa sliTl lMkH kKihmi ruA si roams jssrkatsk ulsla I 50 i aalai wall silsiiiutli aat ioaailaa la 80 ream eeatraL traasieal 0 JifOO 1 oat land I good reasoatfuf ae nag AddrtU 40 rooms erear flo moaih cenlrai 1 TM a caaoarois breech ofUce Oaktaed lOraoniA tlearaeaOO BwaUt 4100 in tVtb Wri rTraabiWy 1L7iZP Mon Joaa an boaies sold Toi lbs norobej ji 1 A know HULKS Wl LI I ebarmlag re Esaroy el 1 OONNkLI A CO trt loeaiad la og of fooihllKimt Sara ii ii i i I i 1 i I i I courtly mile south at Jos 8 mi las 1 A ROOMS BAY WINDOW Ht UhE ft I east ol Madroee atatlon Hoatbsnt PadM A auxth aod kilssioatlst real 850 price i Railroad cental a 850 acres large boot eaou ppiy atatAt 19 ataraet ssv OAHOOMB AM FIRST CLAM WAL aat furaltarei loratton cenirali pay 3140 per moatot most be said this week on account of other business rartleswaailng a Bontj wtii no wau to eee tot oerore arrnaa lag elaewhers no ageata Address BARGAIN box 33 Ibis oSo FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET S55s TO BENT FURNISHED IS sdndtne ntaao aOU Sii Anne cot tarevSroon aril ba aituatad on sunny corner reference rerrnired Apply from 11 uu a at 1353 Eieventa ave tsst uakiansv EIGHT BOOMS AND BATH GoMen Gate ave I will out in com plete orkr ASHTON 411 Montgomery stv S70 728 923x 4 FOUR ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT XL aad some tumlture for sat clean 1121 sweaty arsttaeax Valencia FFBNISHED HOUSE OF NINE ROOMS and bath table and fine gArdeu win rent fof any length of time at nominal rent to a responsible party Hl nilll BCCE Bcji uu 407 ana 4U9 Montgomery St rs vr nAUSTSsvrv rsri llft A1V vvniuniwi fvnr A nlsmd 8 rromed cotagriln viesternAd ihim a jt nm rnw a si U1MUH All SrVJ SSJSIl A7 S11 Villi IsTICELY FrRNISBED HOUSE HKVEN It rooms and bath rent fs5 430 Ellis SL aear tieaveawerta TJICELY FURNISHED HOUSE 914 it fine st near Mason li rooms wtta sd modern improvements NEATLY FURNISHED SCNSYt TEN rooms bath and modern conveniences 1808Lagunaer 10 to A CTRATnilOSE COB LARK1N AND Fulton Oa acoount of departure sunny runisLed apartmeot ot rooms and Batn aomlnalrent to responsible parties Apply tolanitor of building fPO LET THB HANDiOMELT FUR nisnra resutence xA4 uuiornia aa near Racban a Apply from 11 to 3 A ATS TO iVET 20 i SEW FLATS VERY COMPLETE and 8 rooms and bath each rent from 327 to IS a a cor Eleventh aad Folsom 3 new riata 4 and 5 room and bath 18 and 822 on McUea court off Moth st 1132 cterenson bet Thirteenth and Hermaaa 7 rooms and bath oomplete 848 new 4 and 8 room natsv ainus ave at butter aaaiArcin 825 aad 32S Apply to MOLlOY 13d Montgomery st 201 TQ 322 60 TRRFE NEW 1LATS 5 room aad bath one block from cable cars modern Improvements Apply luiuucrrsro st cor nrniy rourts or to UKLCKEUAlUILiJIS 642 California tt 12 Taylor st 710 i LOWER Golden Gat in 223 1507 CALIFORNIA NICE AND oleasant back and front rooma fur nished for 1 ght housekeeping raj hath hot and cold water no children 823 AN ELEGANT FURSLtHED SUNNY corner flat 0 rooms and eji teat 845 to responsiola parties ooly Call bet Oand 12 as 803 McAllister at A IIU USUli 11S ais suv nuruismui 715i Shotwell st rent cheap VADIsON ot sturtani sux aua sson gomory sa ELFGNT FLATS IN THE NEW bnllulng ust dnlsbed 410 to 418 McAl tlsler tt tuauy tide Polk tt and Van Neas ave 7 and 8 rooma baths and all modern Improvements also enraoce fion rear street Apply to Ju4ttCKER 334 Kearny TPIGHT SEW FLAT8 ON OAK ST BET Xi irankim and ttoosh 6 rooma ad batb au latest improvements aunny aae is UMBHrN A cat Ageut 14 Montgomery tt FURNISHED FLAT SIX ROOMS AND bath sunny side on cable line EUit st near Buchanan Apply at 132 tills st VflCKLY FURNISHED SUNNY UPPER flatof 7 roomsand batb references 1020 Sutter st call bet 10 and A rtUEES ANNE FLATS FOUR AND 8 rooms bath gas elegant wooden mantels shades tnronicbant cems S22 50 and 35 2734 Howard st near Twenty fourth OFFICES AlsD SToKa TO LET LARGE STORES WITH THREE ROOMS Id rear in new building just finished 410 to 418 McAllister st bet Polk and Van Ness are Applyto A BECK KE 834 Keatay st TO LET FOfi DRUG STORE OR FINE irrocerles that elesrsst sew store aad cement basem*nt a cor Eleventh and Foisora sts 8 rears lease at low rent Aonlr toP MuLLOTlSS Montgomery st MASSAGE petto treatment 8 Mason st room A DDIR WOODS WsND EVA AMES removed to Nnciens boildine room 1R cor Third and Market magnetic treatment D1 MMA MOORE VAPOR BATHS AND massage Toaaglady aaslstaatt boura1 tollritr Parlor 32a ElUsst L2NA CHURCHILL GIVES MASSAGE ireatmen 4 Parlors 11 and 12 121 Mont gomery st 25 Sixth st room 19 Swedish movement 1 Fflth St room 27 aatu masaage S04 Post st rooms 2 3 ROSE DE LA FONT BEST MASSAGE U2 Market st parlors 3 and 3 ana mtgnaiifinsivsf ltollAst nolo and ahaft double and einaia hamaea ail of toe best Qnallty nearly new Auolv st 700 FlllmoT st comer Mayes ply 410 Montgomery at room IjSOBSALE FOB WANT OFUiE SOUND bnslneas horses aee bnagy and barneaa Inquire at Monitor MlUs 817 318 Howard at tpOB SALE CHEAP A FINE FCLL A Uooded ermaa stslloo 4 rears old color Mahasaay bay Inquire 82 Howard cheap Inquire 803 Sutter st SLIGHTLY BOILED HUMMERS 8AM pi gavo at HAONKMAN 35 Salter two to let 12 14 Foisora st tag tax paid MOREAL402Mont aucusKysss 1 DR HAUL 423KKABKT0l3KAsKS ATLOWESTATE MONEY LOANED of rumen pIIiy ao xs tms onfa xa on city ana country real asuater mart HU is uAnt i nis rvinvenvDn ni uaKi ii iiout I susawiiw ir xy Market A rnvata smhwi a assated vehicle light colored at black body suitable for us at a summer resort ire inu ueecujrujBis stu pneav egrets in box IIOl tais offlc wrv KIO rtT KXirrrTaLorlv IsXTLESSHXAVT BKaFT central MRSL box 40 thUofllca ATTORSETSATlAW ADVICE FREE DI VORCES ASPxXIjLl tyi privately 14 days legal everywhere ao charge unless successful collection etc raspuBsible ettyst all courts terms reasoar ableesUn10yTs awBOWE SOEevny A DVICSFRKK DIVORCESASPECIAL JX ty can be obtain In oneday privateiy legal everywhere terms liberal no cbaras unless saccessfaL fcS LEY Attorneys AssodatlOBv 11 Kearny Room 13 Se tboa biock rent onlr 880 desirable locations nrioe 31800 part can remain payable la small monthly Installments Apply to BAR NARD 20 Kearny st Railroad con tain 940 acres large boas partly farsisned Ibur esdlaaea la all 84 rooros geoa mineral springs nam flsbiac ete rest 840 pst mania A box 80 this afac TOR HALE AS OLD TSTABII8HED new and second baad furniture business writ Use living rooms rear good locatlea Foe particulars ad a bog 33 this ouloe FOB am ROOMS eCLEARING 3100 A MONTH over aXDenaea ail ateadv roomerat Tl ciaity ot rtesrny st price sisuu Apply sv HEALY 7lS Market st 30 well lecsted nous entrance and front age on 2 prominent streets well famiafaedi in perfect order well calculate 1 to do a fine paying transient trade will tell part dowa or ta good real estate FRANK COLLINS 930 Market at rent 325 sonny yard 825 Eddy wantsselLFBANKOOLLINS930Market boose full furnltnra all newi would make Drst class hotel i fin restanrtnt la balding location very best being tenr BUS Of Uroad THOMAS HOV EN DEN SO LODGING HOUSE OF 17 rooms newly furnished on sub 97fin it lusrau wrij iMiuinura vasus ny corner MCLAUGHLIN ACQ 18 Kearny OOSfin LARGE LODGING HOUSE iiiwuvi otBtng room ana restaoxeot at lacnedi ball cash balanee real estate city or country AttxiijxKs Aearny at SQftflfr PART ASHf ELEGANT ODuy house of 18 rooms oa Post st ncaiy xurnisoea tnrouxnout nne roiaiog oeaa beautiful carpets everything new poalUre bargala BARNARD 29 Kearny at FINE LODGING i HOUSE TO EX it caaoga for oaklsad property a bargala Address A box 4A this olfioe A33 ROOM BOARDING HOUSE FOR Bale on payments best location la dty BCT1IR SMITH 224 Kearny st 11 Ml vusrf pars S7B9D vr WUI KSUS er country propercy uear atuo a montn fine locaUon and must Mil at ooce BUTLER SMITH 224 Kearny AYRES dt McBRLDE 8 Kearny st AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FAM fiv hotel 50 rooms corner oa Market st owing to poor health of the owner will be sold quite lowt small amount down If balance Is well secured Full Articular of FRANK COLLINS 930 Market for tSDM tlmeoffers the carDet fornl turs etc orrery One well located oaioes jr ale cheap mtabl for payslclaa or dentist also win sell nicely furnished room bouse connecting See FRANK COLLINS 930 Market tt AN EXTRA WELL FURNISHED nouse IS rooms and bath rent 870 a month will be sold cberp call apd aee owner from II to So dock no agent wanted 1135 barsaln fn fiats lodirlne and boardina bouses 5 to 100 rooms several forsmell payment down come and get list atofitoe I can suit you sura FRANK COLLINS 930 KUSHTESS OPPORTUNITIES B0 YOU WAST TO SELL YOUR UJ but nesior doyoo want a par nert No matter what the line may be If It I respectable aad pa lag reaaonably I have 200 ciur tomers who want to boy a business as a who or in part they have the money ranging fr 8400 ap to 39000 they are nulne buyers aud in most case thorough bostnesg mea call aad ee me no commission charged until sale Is made I do the largest business In my line la this State and will give yon lull proof as to my responsibility I am establishea 23 rears Apply KEN II 22 Kearny st QODOWN AND 60 CENTS PER O1 share per month will purchase sharee In the Republtd laving Betiding and Loan Aiaocia Ion 818 par month will pay oft a loaa of 1000f office open every evening for subscnpjoa of stock the object of this as sa Jadon Is to enable Its members to ehtia homes 24 Market at 291 KEARNY TO SELL OUT TOUR business to I BARNARD S9 Kearny at established 1859 darn the stock ran be boturbt for Sen on the dollar par vain 81 wlli be worth pat In three to four moatha If yoa have money to Invest this offers yoa one of the safest and moat profitable Investments la the market only 6000 Ibarra for sale at this srioa Address BAN BV box 25 this office CjOifl PER ItOtTU juvs store a rare ocerlag the leallnff thorouehfare of the eltr business growing now pays 8230 per month profit Bremlssa comprise store and three llv lag rooma attached latter to arranged that tcey can be sublet If not wanted rent for whole only 325 per month stock andflxtnres worth tlSOOr living rooms furnished com pteie for hous keeplng aad attracTivelyt price for whole ooly 25o0 tstisractory reasons given for selling Apply to JOHN WHITS 228 Montgomery at ftafht pleasant cash bustneas clearing to each 8100 per mtnth no night or Sunday work yoa caa try the bostness 30 dayi before buyiaz 80 Kearny st room 6 es abUshed commission bus ness well located oa Market tt clearing 8150 mootuiy to eacn est jiarxet st room A LACGHLIN A Cq 28 Keatoy at ai teed to dear 8200 tier month tons le willing to work I la a flisVclas family oystee boose fao restaurant doing a large tradet Is fn one of oar principal business streets nas a nneiy nttea ap store employ two men keeps a hone and delivery wagon for serving family xders ewnar will teach a good sua the business which la sure and reliable a triai at ox ed Apply KENS 23 Kearny at after the taking of orders eta In an old established real estate aad rent collecting buslntea In ths ty running twelve yemrr doing a business that is clean ng from 25o to rou per moron wnictt win be proved by a trial of the business fur thlrtr dsva before buying one of the present owners isrleavlug th city Apply to EESNY 22 Kearny st one of the best reatesuta and hocsbrortrs oslces In tne market want a live man with some means can show good paying boldness FRANK COLLINS 930 Market at grain bnslneas balidlncsLiiorsasL wagonA safe stock etc no rent clear AltrOpermoutb no mlsmpTyannratlnna jshili ov cauioraia BE COnft tJ WITH THtS pZnlfU amount to go la the country salary SlOO permonui 25 per cent profit oa capital Invested la 4 months guaranteed besides salary particulars only at personal Interview good references must be given Address HM box 2L this ouoa fjqnnn partner wanted in OsJsul large and Bret clas paying cash Business box lxd this ooice daas milk ranch With fine root for sale a splendid bus bass aeroer the ban clearins nearlr 8300 aer month over all ip nsesl 50 first claas rows 10 fin horses 3 wagons etc No 1 trade of nearly 4u cans daily yoa can Bar a raoou a trial Before buvlns owner Is retiring from business has a large tract of lead for pasturage with barai and housrt ete at very low reatt well located Apply KENNY 22 Eearay st ffinn FIRST CLASS CANDY Jsjuuv store with manufacunry far aalaiananf tna vsrvbeat studs an EssAr atf kpt by present awaer over 10 a store is Banosomeiy nttea up in shop cava au the necessa coo venleoces aad tools etc owner Is retiring from th batlnes will remain wta buyer uutC be Is as folly able to rua the bust ess as preeeat proprietor tba most tbor nth proofs given that tu bus Bess Is large and highly profitabl Apply KENNY 22Krnyst aew nrorjetler for aseam ships will propel boat 60 miles per hoar a partner with capital wanted eaU aad tea mooes aa 2v irausawms at ntoi sw SEUING MACHINES ALLKIN WJ OF MACHINES FOB SALEf npalrea HIOGISS 534 Hayes st 1PAUCEN COPIES OF TH WEEKLY rnaaictsrdteaysUra Izba 4 dnaedtoUMartaz TOB GBSTLEMENS CLUB A HAND om parlor suit la private bouse Ad areas a i box 91 this offlc imvTrrlnnii vinminV llLRSllCRS STORED TE TN lVtVlt mm AT ITERS fTURE CO 103S Bad 1041 Mar xiaiAaaritiUiuoa tAtit* aocmAt bunrihiA F23 QE5CY OF STANDARD AND HOCRE A Bota Bcwtug macmiresi au ainus ooagnt reated aad repaired a COHEN 143 Sixth A SULtioSSSWISO MACTUNEdFOa tai at rncaraad eo term to salt every fhody 728 Market at Hatcry btuldlag A COMTLETE ASSOBTXETT OTSEW nisired rooms clesnsg 350 a weeki UUIsbed 33 years werta 83000 make CM ea oSy to day 204 Fourths T1EST FI8H AND OYSTER STAND TX A tba dty tUady arst daas tradsy for aala aaeapi otau srautinBia jaaraet GHRONICUE BRANCH OFFICE FOR aslvcrUaamcat aad aabacrlptlnav 1031 aarketstaov aa una ave inn vs A lug ascbrn tappll aeedX oil parts leada sfe aear Tweuty sereud biitcenlh st ys hmcts and tepaja 7JJ Markaltki A COXr aliastsBZ LK CHEAP VARIETY AND aot store good location full stock soldonaccouatof siokaess Inqur408 4xth FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE A BOOT and shoe store la tna nourishing town of Lo betas the greatest health rejor in the baa a rus mountains Invoice about 1103 Addresa box 100 Lo GatON CaL OAKLAND NEf The Elopcmcntof aPrtfty Qirl CIUSK SES27ETT TO RETDIIK In loUreitlns Salt Ttrioo Ifemi From Berkeley and llamedew T0R SALK PIAhO AND FURNITURE A movlagteam regular costomers paying 3100 per mouth PlANiAbox 62 thiiofflce cleat reason a half or whole fntereet la a weiabLh4 general merchandise busV Bras la a nourishing town ava tba ettyt 5u00 to 10 000 capital and best refereare required only bona Ada purchasers need ai piy positively ai box SO thl oiie dtlvely ao agents Address a POOD CHANCE FOR BLACKSMITH Borsesnoer wagon ana larmerr tmpu ments repairer to start a shoo In tbe conntrr Apply LaON GRivBEsJ2lFremanw HOMB RESTAURANT 1508 POLK ST fair trade good bargain PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL IN a good paying business covered by St patent 24 Rltca st basem*nt off Folsom RARE BUSTS ESrOFFERINO 33000 TO 15000 per year guaranteed th right party general agency work strictly lealti mate aad permanent only small capital oared Address with reference Cot So LI DATED ARJUSTAJsIA SHOE COMPANY Salem Mass STATIONERY fsOnON AND CANDY store 3 living rooms rent 318 Uer 1100 per mouth 153 seventh st TO HOTEL MEN THE MONTGOMERY Honse for sale established 30 years long lease cheap rents pays good fia location price 84500 Appiy 813 Mission st opp tl slis Fargos from 3 to 5 sr ii ASTED MB CHARLES DUPUIS lstelv arrived in fan Francisco from Para bol well known In the CnlMd States for his worthy kaowla ln ot the dyeing of furs of any kind la desirous to be acquainted with a party with a certain capital who would be willing to go In partnership for the exploitation of bi swiBderfni deoveryf Mr Dpai will tell hi discovery and will alia give all the Information repaired to the purchaser and It Is not necessary to know any thing about dyeing competition tmposslbl 31000 for th profit of any one who can prove that be tars a falsehood Address DUPUIS box 82 this omoA DENTISTS ANY CHILD KNOWS GAS IS DANGER oua because sets only on the brala and bean aad top circulation of th blood a 4 aupoiaona Jwlll give 3500 lor aay standard medical book that claims gas caa be given uu Bleep at produced brant dentist toanv penoa wtB aeeolnta saMty to Ufa serves sal bealia There la aot a aelghborbood that does aot ooataia soma person who has taken tbadreaded Btal gaae wth serious If not iauriresuita My adrlctit to tak nothing that smothers you to sleep My secret local application or mio i ext act aar tooth without pm gj a ruined every dentists practice In California that dpnds oa gaa aad ther bow tqaealiBf Sa other dentist but ng tt LEEK 8 uarrell street caaeztraot yor teeth win aut pala a alvp A FULL BET OF TEETH pfOB 37 FILL lag at losratt prices work warraattA LirtJ WKEV Kl Market at opp tuuawut ny st pncva fiitRKA 9J3afarkett A FULL SET 17 EXTRACTISQ POSI lively painless 50 eeatA DR a A PaJlRY3 Mason stformsny 841 Uarkatst COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION 806 Mafxstst pheiad baiiolng gas specialist Positively extract tvsia wltuotttpAinf only ofnee that make aad give th celetjrat ed Coltoa uu 33UW ret erence established 1883 Bsso performs au operation danilslry DR CHARLES DHCKER GROOMS DENTAL ASSOCLATTONl 759 Market bst Third and Foul to gas speclalut only saf aad reliable aassstbetls in use for painless extraction of teeth SIM saiasssi iaisr ruaAoau a aaa rtn st ao chars for extracting wnea nlatas are made old piaiee xnade ver like aew leelh Bom 8 per set extracting to cents 1 WTLSOV DENTIST BIS MAR ketst opposite Maon Saa Fraacisco SEVEN DOLLARS A SET FOB TEETH syarrantad a good aa caa made teeth fining 3 10 i aAAVUlCAla Vtea the celebrated female Physician of Eesitn monthlr periods etc no matter from what cause restored la one or two days witaoat medicine or pint taie la every case snaraaty not neeaed a ft Is known never to tail caa be seat and used at homer caution tbe Kenutna aad welt known nw process can only be bad at my ofbeef am the sole agent lor California any other process aa Imitation DR POPPER 147 Moaigomery at ttone ehoaUl eead for tba onlr sure and safe specifics recommended by thousands ra atoreaievery case at once arter all worthless processes plJs etc have relied Beware ol Xrauda that cannot help but wm Injure yoa for lifer 30 years experience la female complaints aew methoA without medicine to regulate monthly periods female pttls81 tel or write Itkr DA oTRAMAS SIS Post st AWRITTES GUARANTY GIVEN MY process without naltdne restore every case of moatuly or cber oenditions from wbaterer causa sba all other have failed my treatmeut eurpaaves all others private ATTENTION LADIES BEWARE OF lnvposter wbo promls lo do ao much witn tneir remeuies tncy omy no yoa ot stonr money and lv xau la th aeme eon ditioav If yoa desire faithful aad uccral treatmeut tea the oldest laoiar pnyi clan oa thl coast MRS DA VIES 48 Ksaruy st the only on that can and wiAhaip you MRS SRHAGESOW Ill FRANKLIN Prlvat hospital tar car IrrrgnlarRle CLAIRVOYANTS ASTROLOGERS AUGUSTA BY BILLS STAB FORTUNE teller telle past present iutara rlvaa lucky and love charms Inform Uoa oa stock aaa lottery tenia taujsrs ovc oy jester 12 2300 Far It linnc dalrvoyaat and fortune teller tells past present aad future lov business mar riage magic charm giving good lack aad lav at first sight alas tells full aamcand shows tt near Twentieth fortune telling taught an teiltr gives correct Information oa stocks iovt lad wish charm aad lav token jdvBtnbppiBia fomills remedied fee T17BKSTIUXT IMPROYKHENT Th Club Appeala to the Board of Snpervlsors Tie membert ot tn Turk street Improvement Caurj htUk aneting Jut ertcnlnl in lho dnbroomt Powers flltU Fierce 8trttiie8T Tare 3 Powrt presided in th Absence of Cbarici Gresn presiJent pt th duh Idessrs Toen Grcn lloimes ud Mttthcwl tbe tommittee appointfd to draft a petition to tbe Board ot Super Tisortfortheopeninr of Tark ttrrtt tibiSttedAcopY of tt petition whlcti was approved and crdtrod to Iot wtrded to tha faoaxd The petilloterg state that they bare long realized tbe IncooTaiicQca of uavig Turk straet 1A fiMM ttArlV Si t1S vnr i tbit tacit clositiz dr prires tbe dtr And VWtsaAAtj VI 3 satsk assuay tAAscxt awwiwua itrrt witirhi lU tumtasiid that it is tbe only thoroughfare between the bar and tha ocean a ems Kenny Holmes end BaBdel ererc ippotated a committM to terura the oamot ot tbe MODertrowneTi oa Tnxk elreet weet ol Brodencx My diaxhter hu elopei tbti 8fUr noon 34d lirv Woolle reetef day and hu gone away tai rot rained watt uu I doT There rouit be eome meane to itop thtm Mr a Wooliey sad her dAa bur Miij Wooller ArriTod st a Wuhinf tonttreet hotel on Monday morning from the south They came tip from Lot Angelas oa tbe lUimer end on the way the attentions to JIit Woolley of yoantr gentleman named CL Breed were marked and aaectionite Tbe Wooller came over at once to Oakland and the attentive lover followed arsLDit the withe however of tee mother At the hotel Mite Wool ley whole barely 18 attracted ranch au tention bemg Terr pretty demt blonde with grj biae tJtt hBICt enrred lathes and haTinjt a fin figure and graceful carnire bhe was kept cloeely nnder the carerol ere of her mother until yesterday morning Then telBng her ruother that the wae only goihg out for tittle walk she qnietty slipped down stairs and oat Washington street Here she wat joined by her lover and the coaple made all hatte for tbe local train en route to an Francisco At Witt Woolley did not reiarn lo lunch her mother beoominrt alarrued let i tbe had finally been outwitted waited Impatiently all the afternoon or her daughter 3 return Toward evening however she realized that something had happened and a very Jiuiex out auitni tearca wae made or Breed and tbe gin Their efiorte were fiqaliY rewarded by learning that the elopement bed really taken place end that before night the two lovers had been safely mimed The MTooIltvs are from Brooklyn Physical Culture A special committee ot the Board of Education in conjunction with the principal of the different public schools held a session last erentng to consider the question of physical train ing in the public schools The discussion wm Opened by Instructor Uth of the Turn verein and some of the members of that organtzulion Erery school principal was called on for an expression of opinion and alto three members of tbe Board of Health who were present by innutlon The sentiment that syit enittiophysical culture should be introduced into the school report tbe matter favorably to the Board of Education and the plan it likely to be put fn operation as toon as practicable Bennett Will Batons From advices received here Bennett the bicycle crank who left Oakland for St Joseph Mol to escape Ine flood is heartily sorry that be did not remain within a shorter distance of Oakland While at fct Joseph Bennett on the 14th Inst anxiously awaited a telegram from Oakland or tome adjacent point bringing tidings of tbe disaster Upon its non appearance be realised that be bad been sold and then admitted that be was sorry be bad left the coast He will shortly return Bennetts father was doing a profitable grocery business when his son became a crank The business was subte fiuently broken up tha elder Bennett sold out and be rembyed to Los An elei Bennett left Oakland In Terr atodor and his reception upon bis return will not be cordial Bennett is said to bare ceased to be a cranky and deeply regrets having gold bis bicycle Will Stand Trial John renin the private detective who attempted to extort a bribe front Alt 8am a Chinese on trial for telling lottery tickets was bound over to appear before the Supreme Court yesterday by nag Henshaw in tlOOO bonds Ferrine methods ere bold ones He took Ah Bam In a hack one night to the residence of hie attorney and in the Sresence ol the latter demanded that le Chinese pay him 350 If he did ibis Ferrla said he would withdraw the chtrgev Ah Sum refused to pay tbe money irerrin then reduced nil price to 25 and finally to the pnee of the hack hire AU of his oners were refused and his arrest followed Far rin secured evidence in many ot the lottery Catet at present pending in the Foiice Court An Interesting Salt The case of Cam mett rsv tbe Southern Pacific Banned Company commenced yesterday in Judge Gibson court will be watched with considerable interest The nine jear old son of the plaintiff fell from the front plat xorm 01 tne Alameoa local train on tbe narrow uage route and It is alleged was killed through the negligence of tbe defendant Tbe principal point In the case will be if the plain tilt prevails what is the value of tbe childs life The Coroners jury exonerated the company although one ot the jury uruugtis ui a uuiivrity vcruivt aauiat the company Tne trial will Utt aereral daytv Stokes It Infaaev George Stokes who attempted to kill Joseph BardeUinI on Twelfth atreet on Monday night it undoubtedly in sane and be was not examined on the charge ot attempt to murder which was placed against his name on the station house blotter An insanity commitment was made out donna tha afternoon and btoket was tent to the County Jail for ex minttion before the Lunacy Commissioners Bardelllnis wound In the arm though painful fa not dangerous Tbe rnlveriallttt The Unlrer alitts Convention held its opening session Iatt evening There wee a good sttendance Key 8 Good enough delivered the welcoming ad dress and responses were made ny tbe president A 0 Throop and Vice President Rev Dr if Deere Ad dreset were alto delivered by IUvDr Hamon of Milwaukee and Ber 1 Conger of PasadenA Tha prindpai business of the evening was the organization of the contention istolAejj TV3081 Of taBB bass Bar lit Mtk aaArTt TT jniiamtittmmt nor aasj asm afr eesaf cnilftfrt teyvsWstl eaaaBBtaa TskfiOM Mtae tu that ammiai I VSSS vm2m alammua A elanlarv aImsIs Ii In tte rirktreet Methodist tspitjeo sourest wiupc aea rw inAnjijejf tbe eonBraaatlnn Tha snsk Mrs Warrw Mr Oae Wrt pjurae rs jaraiMOR MiM XUlie Hei Mrss araiaeon ana 1 A tob Xtn Mabel Jonee is the ortenutt ri Ptcwo 01 tne Alamsd Olyai ssaicyor faridr Of 448 Kabr Boot will take place on May sJonUst of an eicurejoi tA tK nt3Taxba4 JPf BoTdi ot atT Atniteee hae de iaa me oonnwesi cornet of Oak are iHlfiiiis aMed Aoe traciironts lfiSfeet on nsnls Ti a arv i on Oak street Settled Quietly Tbe contractors and bosses of this city bare decided to axceae td the de xnandt of the Carpentcrg and Joiner Union and will allow the eight hour demand of the men after the 1st crox Thewasesto be paid however ar to re one ntntni teas wmn a oajf wages for nine noun Viewed by tha Sopor vlsor The Superyisors vitited tbe flowing artesian wells at Alrarado yetterday and Inspected the nw flowing well on the Granger placev Tbe depth of the well is but 179 feet yet it spouts twelve inches above its pipe and It it estimated that over 1000OUO gallons are watted daily It is not thought that the visit the Supervisors bs any especial significance beyond a mere In spection a 4EKks LCY From the businett transacted at the last meeting of the Trustees it is Ap parent that an unatUAl amount of public improvements are going on greater by far than in any prerioui year in tbe history of Birkeley A large nnmrjer of street retomJone were putbeJ tow 3rd their final pas sage Some difficulty however le ap prehended is the grading of Cedar street as tne lines aa surveyed wui riecesaitAte the monng of seyeral houMv If tbe town nertiste In run faiBs these lines the Drotertr ownart i who wm De a area wm nnaoubtemy i DirnE as mjoneuon suit a lev ereningt siaoe somemtscreant CHRISTIAN KSOKATOB Quarterly CoaveatfoB of theTaaas Feoptea Societies The opening session ot the fours teentb OUarUrlv ennvanilnn nf th TToung Peoplee BocieUet Chrittiaa xutueavor was neio in tbe ventral Methodist Episcoptl Church last eYetH ing Ber Case occupied the chair and delivered welcoming ai dress entitled Greetings FromAhs PulpittolhePew There was an elaborate praise service the tonga bemg rendered by a choir of twenty young men led by 3 JMorriA The programme was as follows Scripture reading Psalm St Miss Scruggs brayer Alexander Boss anthem by church ohoir addrete Ber Case hymn riol 43i paper The Need of City Ml eionery Work Mra Jaroes Wood worthydlscusslonofpaperfhyaa Nov UO report of treasurer Emett Brown offertory address Aggrtstire Work for CbruUaUjEfideavorers Bat 3 AHenryxi ma No 74 benediotion The discussion on missionary work was joined In by Her James Wood worth Mr JJden and olhert The tteaturet reported receipts ot IS 65 xor tba onsrlsrsnil niniltnns ofJSSU he convention wm meet again at 930 am to day 1 i A SALVATIONIST IS JAIE Arrest sf a Drummer is On at the Street Band Andrew JoEtnsoo a drummer for the Salvation Army was arrested lass night by Officer Cummin gs and charged with disturbing the peace and obttruot ing the sidewalk For anma lima srt the band at which Johanson is a memoer nas been holding meetings on the corner of Jackson and Kearny streets near the International Hotel One of the lady guests or the house is very ill and the beating of tbe drums distnrrvMi bfsfc lhil th wi piuoiieiuis asked the band to more on They vuMt uos uv so aaa umctr ammmgs was noUfiesL He ordered them to de commenced to ply bis drumsticks and snout xie was tnen placed under er rest and wsa etcorted to tbe dty cer on one side and Mrs Johanson aa sue outer ungiing ner tameounne la time vnib ner husbands drum They Were followed by a crowd of fully 603 people and the dram beating continued until tbe procession was Inside the prison Then Mrs Johanson declared that the would sleep outside the bars all night but tbe changed her mind thortiy afterward and went out and nrocured bail with whfoh ss m1s ber husband Si i Postal Cuanget A railway mail route has been eltab lisbed between Spokane Falls and Almira Wash to go into operation MayUt irankE Worth and Charles Dyer postal clerks on the line be tween Portland and Spokane Falls hare been transferred to tbe new route At IdwAIIanrl iaraC irt been appointed to the position mads sj ss usuiiuut nortaaxuk Liyer i Say Be Shot Hail Dog Cowley the agent of thr Pbcenlz building on Sanaooie ttreet lavs that ha shot a marl An 4k night The dog bed frighUnedsev8r4 usnpi9 aouus so DBuaing nearly out ot their wits Wben shot Ty Mr Cowls the animal WAS cranchnatirtilae a hor and apparently just ready to spring ujami sue assauana sTadae Sabin III There wna no aeaamn nf tha Tfnfte tates Circuit Court yesterday on aot count ox uu temporatr illness 0 Judge Sabin Judge Hojman opened tha court anrl lsimetlisfieiiimri the jury Judge Sabin is confined to nis apartments in tbe Palace Hotel COURT NOTES HargarelhA White has ued Charles Monet to recover tlOQQ damans for brat contract and unlawrol poateasion xrana ijounraaa a DrasaAalaber resid lag at 965 Folsom ttreet was committed til the insane asylum at Agnewt yetterday Carl Haverson was fonnrl nlr vassal dty efsmtrreliag opium and tant need to six months ImDriioniaent In tba Alunndsi jalL The dlrectora of the Fox Plstformand Cottplspc Companr baa annlifsrl tst tha sn perlor Court for permission to dissolve that corporation Earing hat sued Frances Olmttead to recover 852 54 back rent and isunn tbe restitution of the premises 818 ilc Aisistcs street WOlIata 3 McCitrthT cnarmrt tH patslns corrnterieit coin pleaded guilty jesieruAjm jauge ttosman court us will be sentenced next Toesday Wfflma A Tialt ba mA VTS dressmaker to recover 109 damages making an al eged bad flttror dress lor and from material nunlsbed by the pUindnV auo wm ot wiiuamfxrotnman WHO died oa tba 17th lnst was rlit tr bate yetterday He left an tete valued at S2300 to hit widow and four children Sogart charged with emb stlinsr 1260 while acting aa Meretary of the Gray Eagle Mlnlna Company was acaoit ted by a Jury la Judge MurpuYst court yets teraay oraenlco Peraxxo cStrgtvl vrltti tn tt tempt to murder 8 GlaneUl a Stockton merchant on September 27th last was an quitted is short order by a jury in Judge Van Seynezotat Court yetterday on the gtuura wi insanity MxBctustl unknown i long lingers eer right Yet Mnaeroor optldsn reaovate ourstght am HISCELLANEOCS A Dlfferrntraes aabUfaMt Zvr Days takesi frsstn llse asnser Catrost prwvea sir cfaln foliavIBc Bst FeaaBlePIIL Tbe lare dsmaiut for tiam ts elained by their repuUtloA a A asi an4 sure curs A case point tlTenbolowi SaaaaaaarBW 1 MRS BBICIGE Grant Avenee fwV JA ftlasBTV IfVaam bTJ Itste TlMeas A rieafaMTOr3Tfe Jlrlifcll fWtJesVej leVhaTUei stlXS WBVTW BJt I anna tnowiarj TTtutmnwm worn I tomi frill FejLl PBfe Why tt immune ejxawfrof wonao 01 mv nm JjMBrV Atavajanpjst TUB UAV1 Oa Hex Ml Nm VnndKcn asTsss an sttaw xstsft A ssattsasai TMTTVfVrf ripeclaUatt and Ladret Hair DisatsW cste swrsBs um atas tres 1V7UM4tevtC4aaltaHtssssj1tabl ssS fgJX.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.